Friday 18 February 2011

Presenting our pitch!

We finally presented our pitch in our lesson with Bernard (our teacher!) My group was quite nervous about it at first but it turned out our pitch was really good and we really impressed Bernard. Imagine how relieved we felt! We were given 15 minutes to make final edits and plan who will be saying what in our pitch just before we started presenting it. Below is an image of my group...

We were the 3rd group to present our pitch and we hardly had any criticisms from Bernard and he was really impressed by our work especially our animatic and sound effects! He said our thriller had the potential to be a really good and effective one and so we need to make sure we put all the hard work in to make it excellent (we sure will be doing that!) It was also interesting and exciting to watch other groups presenting their pitches, as we found out their ideas of their thrillers and we were also able to give them feedback and suggestions to help them improve on their idea. Below are images of some of the other groups..

This is group 20 presenting their pitch...

This is group 18...

This is group 19...

Below are images of my group presenting our pitch!

This is Fatama presenting her part...

This is Mary talking about the music and sound effects that she searched for our thriller!

This was when we showed our animatic!

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