Wednesday 2 February 2011

Animatic Storyboard

So in Monday's lesson we had to make an animatic storyboard with JELLY BABIES!!!!
At first i thought that it was weird, i had to get Phil to explain it to me THREE times before i understood what to do properly.(silly me) but it was really fun storyboarding with jelly babies, which beats storyboarding on paper any day!

            Actually Making The Storyboard...


After taking the pictures of our scenes, we then transferred them onto the computer so that we could cut the pictures together so that it would make a animatic storyboard...

We then put our pictures on the timeline so that they would follow after each other automatically.
We had to import all the pictures that we were planning to use on the clipboard, this is where we would access our pictures to put on the timeline...
This is near the end of our storyboarding, as you can see our timeline has increased with more clips...


We then had to add voice over effects and a sound track to our storyboard.

               After we had finished putting our storyboard together, we started looking for music to go with our storyboard... we searched on YouTube, at first we couldn't find anything that went with it but then we found one that went really well with it. everyone was happy...

we then converted the music thought 'listentoyoutube'. however we did have enough time to put it into final cut pro (which is the software that we use), therefore we had to just save what we had because it was time to go home.

because we didn't get to finish it i decided to go after college finished to do extra work on it, however there was a big problem because i couldn't find the music that we chose on the video drive..   i searched on YouTube for the music but i couldn't find it!!!! :O  So i spent the next hour finding the another piece of music that will go well with storyboard.. i looked and looked and finally found one! i spent another hour trying to convert everything and converting the actually storyboard of the final cut pro and into a Mp4 format so that i can post it on the blog. Bernard and Micky helped me when i got stuck, i don't think i would've been able to finish without them, so i would like to say thank you. 
I was soooo happy that i finally finished... whhhoooooooo!!!!!!!

There is already a non audio version of the storboard up on the blog but this is the final cut: enjoy :)

when we were taking the pictures for the storyboard we finished early and we had time to muck about and have fun with the jelly babies... here are some pictures that might make you laugh...    

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