Thursday 24 March 2011

Coming Close To The Deadline

So were coming close to the deadline everything is going well i guess i still think we might need to fix it a bit but so far im ok with our film. I personally don't think it looks very thrilling compared to the other groups thta i have seen but i think for students that haven't filmed or edited clips before this film is preety good.
We had a bit of a problem with the sound becasue we did not know if it was copyrighted so we had to thin again. The sound that we were going to use was soooo good. It was soo mystical and spooky but not to worry becasue we had fatama who sang a nursery rhyme and we used that. She sang in her shower to create an echoing effect which was really good.
We also realised that the pictures were not really fitting with the film so we looked over the Sherlock Holmes opening and we realised that the images were of what was going to happen next so that is what we decided to do. In my next blog i will show you how it looked.
Here is the sound we were orignally going to use and you will hear the sound that we had to use when our film is finshed.

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